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Topic: KSER March 2025 Board Meeting
Time: Mar 11, 2025 06:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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90.7 KSER 2623 Wetmore Ave, Everett, WA 98201-2926
No Cell Tower on City of Snohomish Park Land!
I am writing to share with the City of Snohomish public at large, the Snohomish City Council and Snohomish Mayor, Karen Guzak, that this long time Snohomish family adamantly opposes the installation of a Verizon or any 100’ foot mono pole Cell Tower at Averill Field Park or on any City of Snohomish park land.
A cell tower in a city park used by children is an entirely inappropriate location and contrary to the intent of Averill Field which has always been for the recreational use of children.
Once again the City Manager of Snohomish, her honor “the Mayor” and the Snohomish City Council have not done their homework or thought this out very well.
Coming on the heels of the fiasco with the Snohomish Municipal Parks vote you would think that all those up for election a month from now on the Snohomish City Council would not pursue siting the cell tower in a city park next to the Boys and Girls club, a skate park and a toddlers playground.
You have stirred up another hornets nest by trying to back door this cell tower onto City of Snohomish park land.
No Cell Tower at Averill Field!
David L. Clay
9307 45th Pl. SE
Snohomish, WA 98290
425-422-0625 / 425-335-4765
It isn't everyday that you have the opportunity to hear a Catholic nun, who founded a ministry for to advocate for GLBT persons and the Director of that ministry, speaking IN FAVOR of Marriage Equality SO.... You may want to send a reporter to this event. Or at least list it as a worthwhile community service.
See attached and check out the New Ways Ministry site at the bottom.
Please publicize this Event! Thanks
Contact me if you want more information.
Barbara J Monda 360 866 0748
Call To Action - Betty Hill 360 357-6207
Marriage Equality
Building Bridges in the Community
Featured Speakers:
Sister Jeannine Gramick and
Francis DeBernardo
WHERE Olympia. United Church of Olympia
110 11th Avenue SE, Olympia, WA 98501
WHEN: Tuesday, August 21st 2012 7 – 9 PM
WHERE: Seattle St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral (Bloedel Hall)
1245 10th Ave E Seattle, WA 98102
WHEN: Wednesday August 22, 2012 7:00 - 8:30 PM
doors will be open at 6:30 to allow for a prompt start
Sister Jeanine Gramick, S.L. (co-founder of New Ways Ministry) and
Francis DeBernardo (Director) will conduct two town hall meetings on Marriage Equality. Both presenters are connected with New Ways Ministry,
a gay-positive ministry of advocacy and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Catholics. They work to reconcile with the larger
Christian and civil communities on matters of gender equality. Complimentary copies of New Ways Ministry’s booklet, Marriage Equality; a
Positive Catholic Approach will be available at the presentation and are attached to this email.
For more information about the presenters go to
Sponsored by Call To Action Western Washington and in Olympia
Co-Sponsored with United Church of Olympia
(Marriage Equality: a Positive Catholic Approach PDF booklet attached
“-- The wars drone on, and
“-- The wars drone on, and the death toll rises, while the economy tanks –“
Lake Forest Park For Peace sponsors a March March for Peace
Contact: Bob Trutnau
206-443-2892 (work)
425-402-6925 (home) (e-mail)
March 12, 2009
In acknowledgement of the 6th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Lake Forest Park For Peace, comprised of over 150 activists from communities throughout King and Snohomish counties, will sponsor a March March For Peace along Ballinger Way NE on Saturday March 21, 2009. Commencing at 10 AM from 15th Ave NE by the Ballinger Village center, upwards of 50 regular and infrequent participants are expected to march over 2 miles ending at the corner of Ballinger and Bothell Ways NE in Lake Forest Park to publicly declare the continuing need for peace activism and involvement.
"It is certainly true that there are many positive differences in 2009 with Barack Obama as president", said member Bob Trutnau. "Yet for all the talk of withdrawal from Iraq, the plans as declared by the present administration call for only 12,000 troops to be withdrawn from Iraq this year, while up to 17,000 more troops are planned to be deployed in the Afghanistan quagmire."
Founded in December 2002, Lake Forest Park For Peace thrives on its members' resolve and commitment. "We continue because the occupations continue, and people continue to get killed, including 49 US service personnel in Obama’s first 49 days as President", said member Sigrid Salo, " and with over 200 billion dollars budgeted into 2010, President Obama plans on continuing operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and increasingly in Pakistan."
The focus of Lake Forest Park For Peace has always made specific U.S. military issues part of a larger framework of world peace. Now with the global recession morphing towards a depression, members see the connections between economic strife and war. "We believe that the biggest threats to world peace", said member Chuck Leone, "are worldwide public suffering and the use of war to deflect and diffuse anger from the corrupt economic elites who are to blame for the present predicament."
Lake Forest Park For Peace knows it is still relevant today and will be into the future. "The immense challenges of the 21st century will demand mutual respect and common ground amongst the world's peoples", said founding member Rodney Brunelle, "and we truly do need to choose between nonviolence and nonexistence. Our activism through Lake Forest Park For Peace is our vehicle to make that choice."
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