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No Cell Tower on City of Snohomish Park Land!
I am writing to share with the City of Snohomish public at large, the Snohomish City Council and Snohomish Mayor, Karen Guzak, that this long time Snohomish family adamantly opposes the installation of a Verizon or any 100’ foot mono pole Cell Tower at Averill Field Park or on any City of Snohomish park land.
A cell tower in a city park used by children is an entirely inappropriate location and contrary to the intent of Averill Field which has always been for the recreational use of children.
Once again the City Manager of Snohomish, her honor “the Mayor” and the Snohomish City Council have not done their homework or thought this out very well.
Coming on the heels of the fiasco with the Snohomish Municipal Parks vote you would think that all those up for election a month from now on the Snohomish City Council would not pursue siting the cell tower in a city park next to the Boys and Girls club, a skate park and a toddlers playground.
You have stirred up another hornets nest by trying to back door this cell tower onto City of Snohomish park land.
No Cell Tower at Averill Field!
David L. Clay
9307 45th Pl. SE
Snohomish, WA 98290
425-422-0625 / 425-335-4765