Where are we (you) headed

I do not listen to KSER as much as I used to. Why? When John "the Hawk" Hawkenberry and Adora "your dopey" took over the morning on KSER that was enough for me. If you listen closely its the same old corporate drivel that started up when Bush and his buddies took over Public Radio. It only took a week of listening to figure out that the "Take Away" was just that the take away. John H. is not what I would call a humanist, and he is all for war if you listen real closely. And Adora is just in full agreement. Personally I think Ed's program was much more down to earth with the realities of our time. The take away comes off to me as a cover up to bury what really matters to humans that care. When do they talk about the realities of innocent women, children, and men suffering and dieing so we can continue to be the number one enemy of the world. No its all about low level stuff like sports, Santa Clause and all the other stuff that is wrong with the way things have been done up in this country. I get more real news listening to Cheech One Road speak in between his American Indian music, then I get from John the Hawk and Adora your dopey. (I agree name calling is low, but with these 2 corporate phonies I can't help it.)

Give the station back "to people," not the people that are unwilling to make big changes and cover up for all these poor Wall street thieves. Give the show back to Ed.

If you make some changes to the better I would give money again to the effort, but with shows like the "Take Away" I cannot support it. To me going from Amy Goodmann to John and Adora is like going from Jimmy Carter to George W Bush/Hitler. No thanks.

This is my honest opinion, don't let 2 rotten eggs spoil the civility of your effort.

Yes and I did get your letter yesterday to try to get me back into the flock, but you have some feather pulling to do. Other wise I love you people. You don't have to sound like a mature semi commercial radio station to have maturity that is going to be a real help for people, you know real human beings, the kind with flesh and blood. Don't get caught in the same leg trap NPR is, you end up becoming the same animal.

That goofy doctor that you have on that laughs at his own jokes a lot is about as holistic as the Dow Chemical company (Doctor Zorba). The "Doctors are In" is fine though, it is local and informative.

I will say this, the majority of your programming is good to excellent but you have a few things that are way off course and only inspire selfish people. We need inspired selfless folks.

I listen to the birds in the morning after Amy Goodman goes off the air, much more being said through bills then mouths after her show.

Please read this the next time youhave one of your on air planning sessions.

Kind Regards,


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