Still listening to Cailean

Still listening to Cailean Johnson's Fitness and health information in the morning on my way to work. Boy he has a lot of information that I never thought about or that I could get from a trainer, and it's free thanks to you.
I have told a lot of my friends about it and the ones I work out with. It's funny, great how we are all on the same page with our work. We use to just show up and start working out. Now we are talking to each other about our work out program using the information Cailean has given and passing it on to other that have not heard Cailean. Makes us sound knowledgeable but best of all give us a much better idea of the best, proper way of doing it for our self.
Please keep it coming Cailean and Sondra, how about a repeat on the weekends, oh maybe we all could meet with Cailean and Sondra one weekend for a group work out, how cool would that be.
Thank you so much Jet


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