KSER 20th Anniversary

Share your KSER story!
February 9th, 2011 marks KSER's 20th year of amazing, local, independent, community public radio.

Help us celebrate by sharing your favorite memory or thoughts about KSER.

Congrats guys, you deserve

Congrats guys, you deserve it

Twenty years is a real long

Twenty years is a real long time and I am sure that KSER’s 20th anniversary must have been an occasion that brought back sweet memories for anyone associated with the independent public radio!! The event was a grant one as they took special care in inviting everyone , I think they even sent out bulk mail’s to all of its members .The fact that it has been so popular over the years must definitely due to the dedicated work put into it by all those who worked behind the scenes to make it what it is today!! Let is hope that it has many more years and we’ll be celebrating the 25th anniversary after just another 5 years!!

Have there been any further

Have there been any further updates on this since the article was published? Had a quick look around the site but couldn't find anything. Will 

I just wanted to let you

I just wanted to let you know how much we and our customers enjoy playing your station at Attic Treasures antique shop on Sat. and Sun. Love the String Theory.
CCIE Training


Hello, I know the best way to show my support is by becoming a member. I plan to do that soon . Mostly just wanted to let you know how much we and our customers enjoy playing your station at Attic Treasures antique shop on Sat. and Sun. Love the String Theory. It sets the mood and adds something people long for as they are out strolling down memory lane. Thank you for the great variety. It was an added pleasure to hear the selection from south western, Va. A fewof us here are from there.
Angie Powell

I just discovered KSER the

I just discovered KSER the other day when I accidentally hit the wrong button on my car radio while driving up to Arlington. What a treasure! Thank you!

My KSER memory

My Dad is Pat Langston and he does the Thursday 7 pm Good Time show, and has for many years. Listening to his show from San Antonio, Texas via the internet has been a wonderful reprieve from the daily grind of Army life.
I love you, Dad.

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