KSER on your iPhone

Public Radio Tuner™ — iPhone™ App

Public Radio TunerListen to KSER on your iPhone and iPod Touch with the Public Radio Tuner iPhone application. KSER and many other public radio stations are all available to stream on your iPhone or iPod Touch when you install the free Public Radio Tuner application from the iTunes App Store.

Where it works:
The Public Radio Tuner application works on all iPhones and iPod Touches. However, some station streams with a high bitrate (128k or higher) will perform best when using a wifi or 3G connection. Streams that are 64k or lower will play with a wifi, 3G, or EDGE network connection.

How to get it:
From your iPhone or iPod Touch:
From your iPhone or iPod Touch, click the App Store icon.
From the App Store, click the Search feature.
Type "public radio" and click Search. Public Radio Tuner will appear in the search results.
Click Public Radio Tuner. A description of the Public Radio Tuner application displays.
Click the Free button. It changes to an Install button.
Click the Install button.
Wait for the Public Radio Tuner application to be installed.
Click the Public Radio Tuner icon from the iPhone or iPod Touch Home screen and listen!

From the iTunes Store:
Go to the App Store section of the iTunes Store.
Search for "public radio" and the Public Radio Tuner will appear in the search results.
Click the Get App button on the Public Radio Tuner application page.
After the application is finished downloading to your computer, sync your iPhone or iPod touch with your iTunes account to add the Public Radio Tuner application to your iPhone.
Click the Public Radio Tuner icon from the iPhone or iPod Touch Home screen and listen!

When is the Android app coming?


I'm still waiting for the Android app.

The news that KSER is going

The news that KSER is going to be available on iPhone or iPod Touch is definitely good news!! But I wish that it was available for the Android users as well and hope it’ll become a reality soon!!

Would love an android app.

Would love an android app. This is my favorite radio station and I'm moving out of state, I need this radio station in my life!

Phone apps

Can you please consider an Android apparently too. Not everyone has an iPhone.

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