KSER Online Forum Rules

The following forum rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site, including, but not limited to, all text, photographs, audio files and video files.

This site is not responsible for any content you submit. We reserve the right, but undertake no duty, to review, edit, move, or delete any content submitted by users, in our sole discretion, without notice, including but not limited to the following reasons:

* Do not post obscene, indecent, hateful, offensive, defamatory, abusive, harassing or profane material.

* Do not post junk mail, pyramid schemes, chain letters or advertisements.

* Do not engage in personal attacks.

* Vulgar and insulting nicknames will be removed. Nicknames attempting to impersonate other users will be removed.

* Do not post anyone's telephone number, street address or any other personal information.

* Do not post an e-mail address belonging to another person.

* Do not post information that encourages criminal activity of any kind, or any statements that may give rise to civil liability.

* If you post a link to another site, please provide a brief explanation of where the link goes as a courtesy to other users.

* Do not post copyrighted material, including newsletter items, newspaper articles, excerpts from books, music, poems, photographs, video files or any other material, unless you own the copyright to that material, or have written permission to post it.

* Do not discuss recording of the streams or mp3 filesharing - KSER (www.KSER.org) is a fully licensed radio station and, as such, is required to discourage ripping and filesharing.

* Do not attempt to impersonate other users, site staff or any other person.

* Do not post the same message in multiple locations on the site.

* Lively debate and opposing opinions are welcome, but please behave courteously and responsibly.

* Keep your messages on topic for the particular discussion you are involved in.

* Do not use multiple account nicknames in one discussion. Do not answer your own posts using another nickname.

* If you are going to post non-English on these forums, please also post an English Translation of your post whenever possible.

* Do not post off-topic. Please keep your comments consistent with the subject and purpose of the conversation thread. Deliberate disruption -- such as consistent off-topic and/or frivolous commentary -- will not be tolerated such posts will be deleted or redirected to our general chat area.

* No all-caps (FOR EXAMPLE, LIKE THIS) or all-bolds please. It is extremely hard to read. Posts submitted in all-caps or all-bolds will be deleted automatically.

* Always try to "give" back to our community. For each time you find help or answers here at KSER, try to help someone else out in return. You may find that what goes around comes around...

* Give people a little time to respond to your requests. There's a lot going on in these forums and it may take a little time for people to notice and respond to your request. Please be patient.

* DO NOT just make a negative statement and leave the person hanging out to dry. Although you may consider yourself to be an "expert" now, try to remember that we were all new and learning once upon a time. Take it easy on your fellow members!


Links in signatures must follow these guidelines:

* Linking to a commercial product/service is fine, provided there are no price(s) of product(s) or service(s) listed.

* A link and promotional text for a site that is not commercial and does not contain product(s) and/or service(s) is allowed, provided the site is not sexual or does not violate community standards. The KSER team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards. (Examples include sites about drugs and/or sex.)

* Duplicate links to the same URL in a signature are not allowed.

* All signatures should not exceed the following size limits, and you can't have both text and images

* For text signatures: 4 lines normal size, 8 lines small size and up to 90 chars per line. Font sizes above 2 are not allowed. (Blank lines count as lines.)

* Do not use images with large text to bypass the previous item

* For images in signatures: 1 image up to 300 pixels wide, 125 pixels tall and 20k in size

* Animated images in a signature are not allowed


* Animated avatars are not allowed. Sorry.

Forum Abuse Policy

* 1st Offense — A polite private message from a Moderator pointing out the Forum Rules, in addition to the editing or deletion of the post

* 2nd Offense — Public warning on the message board plus deletion of post

* 3rd Offense — Moderators will discuss and possibly delete the user from the KSER forum

Depending on the situation, forum administrators may bypass any and all of these steps and take whatever action is deemed appropriate.

Submissions regarding the administration or moderation of forum posts or comments are not permitted and will be removed. If you have a issue or question regarding our administrative policies or actions, contact KSER Management. You can email us with any issues for KSER Management to review.

While these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.