Casual Dawg

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Wandering 'off campus' at lunch today...talking with the folks on the strike line...four hours waving a cardboard sign ona stick gets boring after a few days and they have been out for several now...needless to say, they are bored...

Me? I'm with 'the other union' called those guys are talking about joining the folks on the line...great...just like last time, we'd go out in the middle of thing you must understand, there is an airport here for good reason...we are up on a 'high point' hill with a constant 25-35mph breeze whipping through...not much you say?...try the 'wind chill' factor when it's 25 degrees f. on the midnight to four am gets hard real quick...

Keeping pace with Thursday in a spot where the schedule is completely blown, management isn't happy, and the 'upstream' engineers are 'working to rule' in support of the IAM...thus, slow and slower with lots of deliquent events on the backlog...this rules the day...the only real ray of hope is that I work a 4x10 hour week and it's the fourth day...i can hear my couch calling!!!

See you on the radio Saturday!

tempting the croc

bond, ... james bond ...
the new film is coming out soon and just for grins i rolled CR (Dan's first)...wot fun...delightful action on the nonstop...waiting is just no good...
this week is the hallowed halloween show...

in case you're new, the fright show is based on pop hollosoundeffect cds, a flow of broken dialogue from the old universals with our friends price, karloff, and chaney ..all the top flight guys...mix in flows of distorted jamix international scary, unknown sources...maybe the product of...gasp...socialists!!!

roll your tapes and play it back on the porch during the candy have a 'live, custom scary sound source' for your holiday fun!!! how thoughtful...that's saturday at eleven pm...

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