Fan Letter to KSER's Chief Engineer

Dear Chris Wartes,
I'm writing you a fan letter, not as host of the "Classical Edge" program, but rather in your role as KSER's Chief Engineer.

I recently moved from the north end of Seattle, where I could hear Amy Goodman's "Democracy Now" and J. Glenn Evans' "PoetsWest" program just fine, to the far south end of town, nearly to Burien. Alas, my radio finds no 90.7 FM down here.

However, I've been rescued by your sister station KXIR, 89.9 FM. I'm delighted to report that it comes in just fine, even in my new south Seattle zip code!

Out of curiosity, I Googled the KXIR FM Transmitter Map (click "move south") and learned that, in addition to the main tower in Freeland on Whidbey Island, you have a flock of other retransmitters, including one in nearby White Center.

That's the likely source of the signal that's coming in so strong for me. There's also an Olympia retransmitter which must be the one that brings J. Glenn and Barb their show (not to mention KSER's progressive politics for the Statehouse crowd). Many thanks for your technical innovations in extending the range of KSER's signal.

-- Hank Davis


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