Signing up for the Potluck

Well, I have not found the sign up for the Potluck... I think I have searched every where.  Oh my....

I just finally got onto this page, finally and see we have missed the deadline for a ticket to the show.

Gary's mother (my sweetie and partner) had open hear surgery and we have been trying to figure out how to do everything taking care of her, his father who has parkinsons, and doing our normal schedule, which is far from normal.

So yes, we are planning to come to the dinner, and also planning on coming to the Benefit afterwards.

Should I purchase 2 tickers?

Also I told Becky the other day, that KSER can set up a table at the Snohomish Farmers Market, I just need to know when they want to come to the Market.  It is FREE to non profits. 

Bad news I had to ask volunteers from KSER board to leave the market the other day and they were stopping customers and passing out information without the Market approval. We have a Board of Directors and all information must be passed out from a booth/stall at the Market.


 Karen Erickson


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