I've just learned of Danny's passing

I've just now found out about Danny's passing and I'm deeply saddened. I interned for Danny in the 90s at KBSG, later helping him produce The Rock and Roll Time Machine, before following him Friday nights on the overnight. I'd already been a bit of a music buff before I met Danny, and he helped fill in a lot of the blanks. Danny was a friend and a mentor. I regret that we hadin't kept in touch. He and I had talked on the phone and emailed back and forth a few times the last few years about me visiting him on Camano and getting his tapes together (prior to RRTM's revival on KSER). I wish I'd taken Danny up on that. Danny, I raise a virtual Swisher Sweet and can of Pepsi Lite in your honor. God Bless You. - Ivan.


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