Big thanks to all who contributed to the KSER Summer fund drive!

After just 8 days, we are happy to say you came through and helped close the books on our Spring and Summer fund drives. We received hundreds of return envelopes and phone calls with your pledges of support, helping us reach our goal of raising $63,000 by June of this year.

A huge round of applause as well for the members who have stood by us throughout the year with their on-going monthly donations. 

Your support makes the vision of local public radio a reality!

Big Picture
Our $63,000 goal represents 1/3 of the listener donations needed to reach a critical milestone for KSER: qualifying for funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).

Funding from CPB is absolutely essential for KSER's continued prosperity. The economic turmoil of the last 2 years has strained Public Radio budgets nationwide, including KSER's. In response, in 2009 Congress authorized CPB to provide stations with emergency funding.

Last year, a CPB grant to stations like ours was worth over $70,000. But because KSER is no longer a CPB-supported station, we were not eligible for this funding and have had to weather the full force of the downturn alone.

We can't do it alone. But with your help, we can reach our CPB funding goal and keep LOCAL public radio alive and thriving in your community!