Time Machine Takes a Break

Danny HolidayAfter decades in service, the Time Machine's main motor - Mr. Danny Holiday - gets a much-deserved break for retro-fitting and re-fueling. This coming Saturday, January 15th, join Danny and substitute host Jon Noe for a special broadcast of the Rock'n'Roll Time Machine, starting at 10:00AM.

For years Danny's taken listeners on an incredible tour of the history of Rock'n'Roll from the big names and best known songs to one-hit wonders, unknown masterpieces, rarities and out-takes. His knowledge of and passion for the music, and his inimitable style and mastery of the art of radio, have warmed the hearts of countless listeners.

While out of regular service, like all time machines, we expect Mr. Holiday to pop in periodically to offer a blast from the glorious past of Rock'n'Roll. Stay tuned to 90.7FM for further details.

And you can visit Danny on his website: dannyholiday.com

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