Give Big In Support of KSER!

Give Big


The Seattle Foundation's GiveBIG is a one-day, online charitable giving event to inspire people to give generously to nonprofit organizations who make our region a healthier and more vital place to live.

If you donate to KSER on May 2nd via the GiveBIG campaign, your gift will actually be increased by the Seattle Foundation!

Each donation made to the more than 1,300 nonprofit organizations profiled on The Seattle Foundation's website between midnight and midnight (Pacific Time) on May 2, 2012, will receive a pro-rated portion of the matching funds (or "stretch") pool. The amount of the "stretch" depends on the size of the stretch pool and how much is raised in total donations on GiveBIG day. For example, if a nonprofit organization receives 3 percent of the total donations during GiveBIG, then it will receive 3 percent of the stretch pool.


Throughout GiveBIG, donors will be chosen at random to have an additional $1,000 given to the charity that received their donation. The selected donor will also be eligible to win a Starbucks gift card worth $100!

If you've been thinking about donating to KSER, there is not a better time to do it than May 2nd on the Seattle Foundation's GiveBIG website. Just click the GiveBIG button, make your donation, and let the Seattle Foundation increase you contribution ...and thank you for supporting independent public radio, KSER!

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