This week on Poets' West - Thr 6:30pm

PoetsWest #214
Tales from the City  (29.06 minutes)

Under Construction 1.00 Michael Magee

Looking Out at the Water 0.43 Teresa Grabstein

Dance Steps in Brass 1.06 Len Tews

Jimi Hendrix 1.09 Len Tews

The General 0.57 Len Tews

Down on First 1.17 Victory Schouten

Live Girls 4.48 Victory Schouten

Seattle 0.56 Marriott/J. Glenn Evans

Glaucous Winged Gulls 0.41 Priscilla Long

The Herd on the 22 Bus 1.41 Pieter Zilinsky

New Curse 0.50 J. Glenn Evans

Punk #25 0.18 John Burgess

Punk #48 0.26 John Burgess

Grandmother Under Lottery Sign 1.10 Len Tews

Old Hotel 0.32 Marriott/J. Glenn Evans

Rhapsody 0.60 Priscilla Long

It Happens 0.40 J. Glenn Evans
 Todd Christoffel & Don’t Ask Tk9,  Metheny Speaking of Now Tks 7, 4; BRIDGE AT 15.15,  ©2011 PoetsWest