Proposed Election Solutions

On Saturday, June 6th, the ballot box, which had been kept locked since the beginning of the voting period, was found unlocked. The executive and board development committees met Monday evening and determined it is not possible to guarantee that the ballots were uncompromised. The board is seeking input to determine the best course of action for ensuring a valid election.

Option 1:
Our preferred option would be to re-issue ballots and hold a special election within 60 days which will include new processes to secure the ballots. The difficulty with this option is that current bylaws require the election take place at the annual meeting in May or June of each year and do not make any provision for other action.

Option 2:
The course of action most consistent with the bylaws would be to appoint the entire slate as presented on the ballot and hold our regular election next year. According to the current foundation bylaws, dated October 9, 2007,
"Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors may be filled by the affirmative vote of the majority of the remaining Directors on recommendation of the Board Development Committee."

The board is seeking input from our membership on these two options to make the best decision possible for KSER. The board will make this decision Tuesday night at the annual meeting.

We hope you will be able to join us for this meeting at 7 p.m., Tuesday, June 9 at the station. If you are unable to attend and would like to comment on these two options, send an email before 6 p.m., Tuesday, June 9 to

Karen Crowley
President, KSER Foundation

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