Poets' West - Thr 6:30pm

 PoetsWest #234 - Pongo’s Kids

Introduction 5.09 Richard Gold

Breaking Out 1.26 Ron Rivard

Hey, Keith 0.40 Ron Rivard

I Was in Your Shoes 1.58 Ron Rivard

Hiding Out 1.09 Ron Rivard

Tight-bound Hair 1.00 Ron Rivard

Refugee of the Heart 1.15 Ron Rivard

Commentary 1.22 Richard Gold

Commentary 2.04 Mike Hickey

Why I Want You to Wear My Hat 2.00 Mike Hickey

Living Inside Out 1.41 Mike Hickey

Doors of Emotion 0.50 Richard Gold

Elton John Believe Tk1 from Made in England

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