Poets' West - Thr 6:30pm

03 April 2012 This week on Poets' West
If you are out of range for this station, the broadcast is available worldwide via streaming by going to http://www.kser.org/ and following the Listen Live links. Or listen to two recent programs on our web site if you have high speed internet: www.poetswest.com under PoetsWest Radio Programs. 
PoetsWest #221    RAJAA GHARBI PART II Interview with poet, painter, multi-media artist,  and filmmaker Rajaa Gharbi from Tunisia. Includes comments on the Arab Spring. 
Prophets of TodayCe qui ne t’inspire pas 
Philip Glass album Glassworks Tk1©2012 PoetsWest 
Listen to two recent PoetsWest Radio Programs on www.poetswest.comPoetsWest #190 Mahmoud DarwishPoetsWest #157 An Irish Story
PoetsWest is syndicated. If you are unable to receive PoetsWest programs on your local non-profit community radio, we encourage you to pass this message to them. PoetsWest, through its affiliation with KSER 90.7 FM, makes our radio programs available to non-profit radio stations around the nation and the globe. Help to get the word out to friends and relatives in other areas. There is no money involved in this project but it does offer much wider exposure to the poets and provides additional programming to your local non-profit radio station. PoetsWest is listed on Pacifica’s AudioPort.org web site under Weekly Programs.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Hanna Raskin, Food Editor for the Seattle Weekly with a request. Each year, we strive to come up with an interesting way to convey to readers what's fresh at local farmers markets, and it might be fun to try a poem-based approach. Will you take on a fruit or vegetable for our blog?

Poems should be submitted to me via e-mail, either in the body of the message or as a .doc attachment. Poems should not exceed 40 lines, and should be submitted by the final day of the month preceding the featured fruit, vegetable or herb's anticipated seasonal debut. (I've pasted a calendar below; the original is available at http://www.seattlefarmersmarkets.org/ripe-n-ready/produce-calendar) For scheduling purposes, it would be very helpful if poets contacted me as soon as they settle on an item, so we can avoid having 14 poems about rhubarb. All styles acceptable. If the poems is not written in English, it should be accompanied by a translation. Poems will run with a photo, so the poet may wish to submit a photograph of his or her own along with the poem, although doing so is entirely optional. Finally, if a poem has already been printed elsewhere, the poet should make sure he or she has the rights to it. I'm happy to answer any questions via e-mail (hraskin@seattleweekly.com) or by phone (206-467-4318). 

—The ongoing policies of a killer nation can only be changed or stopped when enough people get the courage to face the truth and cease to cooperate with the Fascist institutions ruling them—J. Glenn Evans—28Mar2012—   LAND FOR A DUWAMISH RESERVATION NOW150-YEAR WAIT FOR AN UNFULFILLED PROMISESHOULD BE SEATTLE’S SHAME WHEN MAGNUSON PARKCOULD BE A TOKEN RETURN OF THE LANDTAKEN FROM THEM