Poets' West - Thr 6:30pm

PoetsWest #219   Lyn Coffin Part III
Interview and conversation with Lyn Coffin, poet, author, translator, and teacher, on her translation of the poetry of Jiří Orten, Czech Jewish poet killed in Nazi-occupied Prague in WWII, as well as her own writing life.
The Last Poem by Jiří Orten, translated & read by Lyn Coffin, published in Against Forgetting, Carolyn Forché editor

Black Picture translated & read by Lyn Coffin & sung by Laszlo Slomovitz

Look at the Stars, poem by Lyn Coffin 2.08

Last Request by Jiří Orten and translated by Lyn Cofffin, Night Publishing, 2011

Villanelle by Leonard Cohen from Dear Heather Tk7

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