Poets' West - Thr 6:30pm

PoetsWest #194Queens Meets AsiaWith Juanita Torrence-Thompson(29.07 minutes)Introduction 0.35America Is a Kissing Society 0.43Filipino Parties 2.04Fujiyama 1.54Interview for Marriage 1.37Soo Lee 1.33Haiku/Tanka 1.12Looking Back 1.35What Strange Customs 1.06Two Haiku 0.26How Do I Get to YMCA 1.13Mahood in Pakistan 1.38I Miss Mangoes 0.57Haiku/Tanka 1.04Tanka 0.53You Will Never Win 2.00 Bridge at 15.21Hiroshima Legacy Tk5Pat Metheny Imaginary Day Tk3©2011 PoetsWest

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