Jonathan "Ooogie" Richards award!

KSER Blues DJ, Jonathan "Ooogie" Richards has earned the coveted Washington Blues Society "DJ of the Year" award!

Jonathan is host of The Blues House, part of our award-winning Thursday night Blues line-up. 

Jonathan brings to 5 the number of awards KSER DJ's have received from the WA Blues Society, along with previous award-winners Clancy Dunigan and Leslie Fleury.

Everett racked up another award too, with Paul, Willow, & Dave from Unbound winning the award for producing the best Open Blues Jam. Fans of the Blues know Paul & Willow for their incredible work pulling together the KSER Summertime Blues Benefit with KSER's Juke Joint host, Jon Noe.

Thanks to our listeners for all your support of the Blues on KSER. And big kudos to Jonathan for putting KSER on top again!

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