Classical Edge - Sun 8/28 4am

  Composer                         Piece                                         Performer
Thomas H. Kerr                Oh What a Beautiful Day           Kathleen Battle &
                                                                                                Jessye Norman
Simpson-Curenton            Sinner, Please Don't Let              Jessye Norman
Evelyn, Arr                          This Harvest Pass
Sylvia Olden Lee, arr          Lord, How Come Me Here        Kathleen Battle
William Bolcom, arr           Amazing Grace                          Marilyn Mason, Organ
William Bolcom                  O Zion Haste & How A             Marilyn Mason, Oregon
Arvo Part                           Litany                                         Estonian Phil Chamber Choir &
                                                                                               Tallin Chamber Ork &
                                                                                                Hillard Ensemble
Charles Ives                      Study #21, Some                         Alan Mandel, Piano
                                            Southpaw Pitching
                                            March In G & D, "Here's             
                                              To Good Old Yale"
Robert Kusiolek                   Nuntium #S 5-7                          R.Kusiolek, Accordian &
                                                                                                  Electronic;  A.Sjarov,
                                                                                                      violin & voice
Luigi Dallapiccola                From "Greel Lyrics",                   Jane Manning, Soprano;
                                              Six Songs of Alcaeus                   Australia Ensemble