2009 Voice of the Community

The 2009 KSER Voice of the Community Award winner is Winnie Corral, who gives voice to issues that affect disenfranchised, overlooked and under-represented members of our community as the Program Director of Familias Unidas, the vice chair of the Communities of Color Coalition and a member of the Snohomish County Children's Commission.

2009 Finalists

Sharon Collman and Bick Hang developed the "Growing Groceries" program in Snohomish County, which provides hands-on opportunities for groups and individual adults and children to learn how to grow their own food, eat healthy and work together in our community.

Kristin Kelly organized the Livable Snohomish County Coalition and is an untiring champion for protection of our wildlife habitat, farmland, forest land, rural areas and shorelines. She encourages local governments to build sustainable urban communities and helps local citizens to become involved in land use planning in their neighborhoods.

Marilene Richardson is a strong local advocate for nurturing all aspects of our ecosystem. She developed the Foundation for Sustainable Community, a nonprofit organization dedicated to connecting people with information and practical skills to live in greater harmony with nature. 

Teresa Rugg works to end hunger, empower women, and eliminate the worst aspects of poverty through improvements in health and education as a RESULTS local group and regional leader, who has obtained funding and congressional support for Microfinance programs and has traveled the country to educate others about tuberculosis. 

2009 Voice of Community Selection Committee: Christine Lavra, Marilyn Rosenberg, Pam Somers, Bruce Wirth

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